Call for Demonstrations

PAAMS'24 includes a special track for demonstrations. Demonstrations are intended to exhibit practical applications of multi-agent systems and will be a very useful tool in order to complement the regular program with practical examples of particular interest in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Contributions and publication

The author/s must write a paper formatted according to the LNCS-LNAI template, with a maximum length of 6 pages and following the next structure: Introduction, Main purpose, Demonstration, Conclusions and References.

All accepted demonstrations will be included in PAAMS Proceedings as a paper, published in Springer.

*** Indexing: The books of LNAI and CCIS as part of LNCS series of Springer are made available to the following indexing services: Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of ScienceEI Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases)ACM Digital LibraryDBLPGoogle ScholarIO-PortMathSciNetScopus and Zentralblatt MATH. ****

During PAAMS, authors will have to show their demonstrations. The organization will provide a printed poster of the article, WIFI connection and space on a shared table with other competitors.

Important dates

General deadlines

  • General deadline


  • Demonstrations deadline


  • Notification of acceptance


  • Camera-Ready papers


  • Conference Celebration

    11th-13th July, 2024